Tomorrow is New Years Eve, many of you lovely wives will be ringing in the new year with a few glasses of Champagne or other alcoholic beverage. And since some of you have kids and husbands to take care of New Years day, Here's a sure fire way to wake up with out a hangover.
Barroom wisdom posits that clear drinks like vodka and gin induce fewer hangovers than dark ones like brandy, red wine, or certain rums and tequilas. At least one study bears this out: When researchers gave volunteers the same dose of alcohol in the form of either bourbon or vodka, only 3 percent of those who drank the vodka reported a bad hangover the next day, compared to 33 percent of the bourbon drinkers. Scientists suspect that the compounds in darker liquors are to blame.
Food slows the absorption of alcohol, preventing the sudden spike in blood alcohol that's often followed by actions you'll probably regret—including more drinking. If, at the end of the night, you realize you've had too much, downing some crackers or fruit juice will slow metabolism of the alcohol still in your stomach, advises Swift. You should wake up feeling better in the morning.
You know the best way to avoid morning punishment is to drink less, but how do you do that when every time your glass empties, someone's refilling it? Try this: Alternate a glass of booze with a glass of seltzer. You'll halve the amount you drink and you'll be well hydrated, thereby warding off the hangover symptoms caused by alcohol's diuretic effect—headache, dry mouth, and light-headedness. - Oprah.com
Hangover Prevention Checklist:
Eat a Hearty Dinner
Drink a glass of Water for every alcoholic beverage consumed
2 Advil before Bed Time
Try to Eat Eggs for Breakfast
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