Every 15 seconds a child dies from a preventable water related disease, that is the equivalent of crashing a 747 jet filled with children, into a mountainside, every 2 hours, every day of the year. Water is at the core of every major issue deeply affecting; education, health (HIV/AIDS, malaria) women and children's safety, access to food and even war. This IS a solvable problem, which is just why my dear friend, Kenna, created Summit on the Summit. Kenna and friends climbed the tallest peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, to shed light and speak out about the global clean water crisis.
The Problem:
Water related disease are the leading cause of death, taking the lives of 3.575 million people a year and are responsible for 80 percent of all sickness in the world. Unsafe water and lack of sanitation is now the single largest cause of illness worldwide.
Every 15 seconds a child dies from a preventable, water related disease.
Children in poor environments often carry 1,000 parasitic worms in their bodies at any time from unsafe water they consume to survive.
Approximately 443 million school days are lost each year due to water related illness.
Unless we act now, by 2025 the number of people without access to clean water could increase to 2.3 billion
Less then 1% of the world's fresh water is readily accessible for direct human use
Currently, in the USA, over half of the 50 states are facing serious drought conditions.
Know Your Impact and Conservation:
Keep your shower under 5 minutes and save 1,000 gallons a month.
According to the Washington Post "Just one flush of a toilet in the west uses more water than most Africans have to preform an entire days washing, cleaning and drinking."
Wash your laundry only when you have a full load and save 600 - 1000 gallons of water each month.
Use a water efficient shower head, they're inexpensive, easy to install and can save up to 750 gallons a month.
Get a PUR pitcher, it removes 98% of contaminates in US drinking water and avoid the waste of plastic bottles.
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save up to 4 gallons a minute. That's 200 gallons a week for a family of 4.
Fix a leaky faucet and save up 140 gallons a week.
Use a hose nozzle and turn off water while you wash your car and save more then a 100 gallons
Use a broom to clean sidewalks or driveway instead of a hose and save up to 80 gallons every time.
Please make a donation or purchase goods on SummitontheSummit.com and support projects and organizations like this one that bring clean water to those in need. If you don't have the means to donate, spread the knowledge and start talking about the issue and share what you know and conserve your daily use of water.
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